Forte Vitamin Honey with Cinnamon 230g

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Forte Vitamin Honey with Cinnamon 230g
Forte Vitamin Honey with Cinnamon 230g
Forte Vitamin Honey with Cinnamon 230g
Forte Vitamin Honey with Cinnamon 230g

Producer's Forte with Cinnamon! Everything is the same as in the usual Forte, but in this high concentration we added cinnamon! Many of us know about the myriad benefits of cinnamon, but we'll go into more detail below.


David the beekeeper and our product developer refers to it as the lazy beekeeper's elixir. He's tired of taking so many supplements and vitamins these days that by the time he's finished, his hands are sore. So he took his natural superfoods from the bees and edited them into a one-stop shop. But even if he forgets to take it, he won't forget to drink his coffee in the morning.


The benefits of cinnamon:

  • Antioxidant properties: helps fight free radicals that can cause cell damage ️
  • Anti-inflammatory: can relieve joint pain and inflammatory diseases
  • Blood sugar regulation: may help to stabilise blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics ⬇️
  • Improve digestion: supports digestion and may help with bloating and upset stomach ️
  • Antibacterial action: can act as a natural disinfectant, helping to fight pathogens.
  • Support heart health: may reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol ️⬇️
  • Support weight loss: may speed up metabolism and reduce appetite ️


Friend of health: royal jelly, propolis and pollen work together to produce their beneficial effects.
The pollen contains 20 of the 22 amino acids, plus 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, a wealth of trace elements, enzymes and fatty acids.

Royal jelly is the food of the queen bee, which is also extremely healthy for us and full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes.

Propolis is a natural antibiotic, a mixture of resins, balms, waxes and many other substances, full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and trace elements.


The active ingredients(royal jelly, propolis, pollen) in this vitamins are in higher concentrations than in strawberry and chocolate vitamins for children, but it does not have the same exciting taste and is therefore recommended for adults. ‍‍‍

The effects of pollen:

  • Natural multivitamin and protein supplement,
  • anti-anemia,
  • digestive regulator,
  • allergy treatment,
  • improves physical performance,
  • helps the cardiovascular system, ️
  • slows down ageing,
  • stimulates fertility,
  • helps to tolerate classical treatments for prostate diseases.

Effects of royal jelly:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • reduce allergies,
  • alleviate hormonal and glandular dysfunction,
  • cardiovascular complaints,
  • stomach and intestinal disorders,
  • nervous system problems,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • depression and gynaecological problems,
  • strengthening children with developmental delays,
  • treatment of small lumps, cysts, small tumours,
  • lowering cholesterol,
  • promoting desired pregnancy.

Effects of propolis:

  • antibacterial,
  • antifungal and antiviral,
  • analgesic,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • robust and immune system boosting,
  • anti-ageing,
  • regenerating, purifying,
  • reduces inflammation,
  • healer of aphthae, acne, mouth sores and gingivitis,
  • helps cell turnover (wounds, burns, cuts). ️
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The product for adults contains a double active ingredient

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Szeretnél állandó 10% kedvezményt?:
22.72(17.89 € + ÁFA)
Unit price: 98.76 €/kg (77.76 €/kg + ÁFA)
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Producer's Forte with Cinnamon! Everything is the same as in the usual Forté, but with cinnamon!

A friend of health: royal jelly, propolis and pollen combine their beneficial effects. The pollen contains 20 of the 22 amino acids, plus 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, lots of trace elements, enzymes and fatty acids. Royal jelly is the food of the queen bee, which is also extremely healthy for us and is also full of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, a mixture of resins, balms, waxes and many other substances, full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and trace elements.

This vitamin tea has a higher concentration of active ingredients (royal jelly, propolis, pollen) than strawberry and chocolate vitamin teas for children, but it does not have the same exciting taste, so we prefer to recommend it to adults.

The effects of pollen include: natural multivitamin and protein supplement, an anti-anaemia, digestive regulator, allergy treatment, improves physical performance, cardiovascular support, slows ageing, stimulates fertility and helps with classical treatments for prostate disease.

Royal jelly has the following effects: boosting the immune system, reducing allergies, alleviating hormonal and glandular dysfunction, treating cardiovascular complaints, stomach and intestinal disorders, nervous system problems, multiple sclerosis, depression and gynaecological problems, strengthening children with developmental delays, curing small lumps, cysts and small tumours, reducing cholesterol, promoting desired pregnancy.

The effects of propolis: antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, blood pressure lowering, robust and immune system strengthening, anti-ageing, regenerating, cleansing, anti-inflammatory, healer of aphthae, acne, oral wounds and gingivitis, and aids cellular turnover (wounds, burns, cuts).

"Naturally from Nature!"

Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at

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386 g/pcs
Összetevők, javallatok
Összetevők: vegyes virágméz, fahéj, virágpor, propolisz, méhpempő.
Tápérték/100g: 1270 kJ, szénhidrát ~78-81%, víz ~19-21%, fehérje 0,03%, zsír 0%.
Allergént tartalmazhat.

A méhpempőben található: vitaminok (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, D, E, H), ásványi anyagok és nyomelemek, enzimek, tiamin, riboflavin, piridoxin, niacin, pantoténsav, biotin, folsav, szterin, biopterin és neopterin.
A propolisz kb. 200 féle anyag keveréke, főbb komponensei: gyanták, balzsamok, viaszok, illóolajok, virágpor. Továbbá tartalmaz: vitaminok, nyomelemek, ásványi anyagok, enzimek, flavonoidok, terpének, aminosavak.
A virágporban található: vitaminok, enzimek, ásványi anyagok, nyomelemek, növényi aminosavak.

Tárolás: napfénytől védve, szobahőmérsékleten.

Adagolás: legalább napi 1 teáskanálnyi termék fogyasztása javasolt.

1 éves kor alatti gyermekek nem fogyaszthatják.

Származási hely: Magyarország