Immune Booster Tea Blend 90g

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Immune Booster Tea Blend 90g
Immune Booster Tea Blend 90g
Immune Booster Tea Blend 90g
Immune Booster Tea Blend 90g
Válogatott immunerősítő teakeverék nagy kiszerelésben. Komplex támogatás az immunrendszernek. Tökéletes rendszeres fogyasztásra.
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Whether it's for prevention or just for the taste, your body and soul will thank you for it. It has all the essential ingredients, so together it is a truly delicious experience.


The following ingredients are beneficial:

  1. Chamomile flower:

    • Has calming effects, can help reduce stress and improve sleep.
    • Its anti-inflammatory properties can be useful for stomach problems, for example.
  2. Rosehip:

    • High in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and may support the immune system.
    • It can improve skin health and help reduce arthritis.
  3. Ginger:

    • Has anti-inflammatory effects, may help relieve joint pain.
    • It may also be effective against nausea and aid digestion.
  4. Lemon zest:

    • High in vitamin C, which supports the immune system.
    • It has refreshing effects and is also a delicious source of flavour.
  5. Lime blossom:

    • Has calming effects, can help relieve stress and headaches.
    • Its anti-inflammatory properties can be beneficial for sore throats.
  6. St. John's wort:

    • Has immune-boosting effects.
    • May improve respiratory health and help relieve cold symptoms.

The combination of these ingredients can provide versatile health support, soothe the body and make a tasty drink. It is important to note that the health benefits depend on the concentration of each ingredient and the amount of the drink consumed. An ongoing healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and regular exercise also play an important role in maintaining good health.


"From nature, of course!"

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Összetevők, javallatok
Összetevők: kamillavirág, csipkebogyó, gyömbér, citromhéj, hársvirág, bodzavirág

Tárolás: fénytől védett, száraz hűvös helyen

10g / 30g / 90g-os kiszerelésekben kapható.