Why choose Propolis honey?
Propolis, also known as bee tar, is a resinous substance used by bees to protect the hive. This wonderful ingredient is perfectly mediated by natural honey, so regular consumption of propolis honey can help:
- Strengthen the immune system: it supports the body's defences with antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.
- In reducing inflammation: it is effective in reducing inflammation, whether it is oral cavity problems or gingivitis.
- In wound healing and regeneration.
- In General Health Maintenance: it contributes to a healthy lifestyle through its antihypertensive, anti-ageing and anti-aging effects.
Propolis honey is an ideal natural immune booster for the cold months and can be the perfect addition to your morning toast, tea or yoghurt.
Try Propolis capsules too!
If you're looking for a more serious propolis regimen, opt for Propolis capsules 30g which delivers the benefits of propolis in an even more concentrated form. An ideal complement to propolis honey to support your immune system even more effectively.
Wait no longer!
Choose the power of nature for your everyday life! Order Propolis Honey now and supplement with Propolis Capsules for maximum effect!
Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at www.drsarkany.hu.
A propolisz kb. 200 féle anyag keveréke, főbb komponensei: gyanták, balzsamok, viaszok, illóolajok, virágpor. Továbbá tartalmaz: vitaminok, nyomelemek, ásványi anyagok, enzimek, flavonoidok, terpének, aminosavak.
Tápérték/100g: 1270 kJ, szénhidrát ~78-81%, víz ~19-21%, fehérje 0,03%, zsír 0%.
Allergént tartalmazhat.
Tárolás: napfénytől védve, szobahőmérsékleten.
Származási hely: Magyarország