Green Vitamin Honey

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Green Vitamin Honey
Green Vitamin Honey
Green Vitamin Honey
Green Vitamin Honey

Green Vitamin Honey – A Natural Vitamin Boost with Honey

Green Vitamin Honey combines the best of nature: a special blend of mixed flower honey, hemp leaf tea, bee pollen, propolis, and royal jelly, designed to strengthen the immune system and support overall health.


Naturally from nature

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The product for adults contains a double active ingredient

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20.97(16.51 € + ÁFA)
Unit price: 91.15 €/kg (71.77 €/kg + ÁFA)
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Why is Green Vitamézes good for you?

Immune-boosting properties – The royal jelly contains essential vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, D, E, H) and minerals that support the body's proper functioning.
A natural source of antioxidants – Propolis and bee pollen are packed with hundreds of bioactive compounds that protect cells and help reduce inflammation.
Energizing and revitalizing – The plant-based amino acids and enzymes contribute to increased energy levels and help fight fatigue.


The hemp leaf (Cannabis sativa leaf) offers numerous health benefits, as it is rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, and cannabinoids (such as CBD – cannabidiol). While hemp is often associated with the psychoactive compound THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), hemp leaves contain low levels of THC and are primarily used for medicinal purposes, including:

  • Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties
  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Supports digestion and the immune system
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Natural sleep aid, may improve sleep quality
  • Skincare and hair care benefits


Further ingredients:

  • Pollen: Nature's superfood, rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It helps strengthen the immune system and boost energy levels.
  • Propolis: a resinous substance collected by bees that has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Royal jelly: The food of queen bees, it contains many biologically active substances. It helps strengthen the body and improve general well-being.


  • Natural and healthy: contains only high quality, natural ingredients.
  • Energy and vitality: Pollen and royal jelly help boost energy levels and improve performance.
  • Strengthens the immune system: propolis and royal jelly help to strengthen the immune system.
  • It is a Hungarian product: support local producers!

Who we recommend it to:

  • For people with an active lifestyle: Aan excellent source of energy for athletes and people who do physical work (adults like them too).
  • For those who want to boost their immune system: the ingredients in this product help prevent colds and flu.
  • Health conscious consumers: those who want to take care of their body naturally.


Recommended Intake: 1 teaspoonful daily for preventive purposes.

Warning: not recommended for children under 1 year of age. For allergy sufferers, we recommend reading the list of ingredients.


If you love delicious and healthy honey specialties, be sure to try the Strawberry Vitamin Honey, a perfect harmony of honey and strawberries!


Boost your immune system naturally – order now!

Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at

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386 g/pcs
Összetevők, javallatok

Összetevők: vegyes virágméz, kenderlevél tea, virágpor, propolisz, méhpempő.
Tápérték/100g: 1270 kJ, szénhidrát ~78-81%, víz ~19-21%, fehérje 0,03%, zsír 0%.
Allergént tartalmazhat.

A méhpempőben található: vitaminok (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, D, E, H), ásványi anyagok és nyomelemek, enzimek, tiamin, riboflavin, piridoxin, niacin, pantoténsav, biotin, folsav, szterin, biopterin és neopterin.
A propolisz kb. 200 féle anyag keveréke, főbb komponensei: gyanták, balzsamok, viaszok, illóolajok, virágpor. Továbbá tartalmaz: vitaminok, nyomelemek, ásványi anyagok, enzimek, flavonoidok, terpének, aminosavak.
A virágporban található: vitaminok, enzimek, ásványi anyagok, nyomelemek, növényi aminosavak.

Tárolás: napfénytől védve, szobahőmérsékleten.

Adagolás: legalább napi 1 teáskanálnyi termék fogyasztása javasolt.

1 éves kor alatti gyermekek nem fogyaszthatják.

Származási hely: Magyarország
