Why is this product a good choice?
- Immune boosting effect.
- Natural remedy: It reduces inflammation, promotes wound healing and provides an effective solution for the treatment of aphthae, acne, mouth sores and gingivitis.
- Alcohol-free formula: ideal for children and those sensitive to alcohol.
- Supports general health: in addition to its anti-inflammatory, anti-coagulant, and cleansing properties, its antioxidants slow down the ageing process and help the body to regenerate.
For an even more powerful immune-boosting solution, try the Propolis capsules (30g)which contains a concentrated form of propolis' beneficial ingredients and can be easily incorporated into your daily diet!
Add to cart now! Protect your body naturally and experience the power of propolis and vitamin C with this special alcohol-free tincture!
Recommended dosage:
30-50 drops daily to maintain health. In case of illness, 3-4 times the amount. For children, 10-20 drops per day is recommended.
Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at www.drsarkany.hu.
A propolisz kb. 200 féle anyag keveréke, főbb komponensei: gyanták, balzsamok, viaszok, illóolajok, virágpor. Továbbá tartalmaz: vitaminok, nyomelemek, ásványi anyagok, enzimek, flavonoidok, terpének, aminosavak.
Allergént tartalmazhat.
Tárolás: napfénytől védve, szobahőmérsékleten.
Származási hely: Magyarország