Producers of royal jelly honey.
Royal jelly is, among other things, the food of the mother bee. This super-ingredient, thanks to its high vitamin content, nourishes the cells that make up the human body, improves its metabolism and therefore "helps where there is trouble".
The 10-HDA acid it contains, a natural antioxidant and steroid found only in royal jelly, is a very effective antiviral and antibacterial, able to fight cancer.
Important applications: promoting desired pregnancy, boosting the immune system, reducing allergies, alleviating hormonal and glandular dysfunction, cardiovascular complaints, stomach and intestinal disorders, nervous system problems, multiple sclerosis, depression and gynaecological problems, strengthening children with developmental delays, healing small lumps, cysts, small tumours, reducing cholesterol.
For a more serious royal jelly treatment/cure, it is recommended to take not only royal jelly honey, but also royal jelly capsules, which are click here by clicking here.
Recommended by Dr. Ferenc Sárkány, pharmacist, naturopath, apitherapist.
The doctor's own products and services can be found at
A méhpempőben található: vitaminok (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, D, E, H), ásványi anyagok és nyomelemek, enzimek, antibiotikumok, tiamin, riboflavin, piridoxin, niacin, pantoténsav, biotin, folsav, szterin, biopterin és neopterin.
Tápérték/100g: 1270 kJ, szénhidrát ~78-81%, víz ~19-21%, fehérje 0,03%, zsír 0%.
Allergént tartalmazhat.
Tárolás: napfénytől védve, szobahőmérsékleten.
Származási hely: Magyarország